It's the never ending circle:
I need an agent. But I can't get one till I work more. But how can I work without an agent!
It's all timing folks. Timing and persistence.
How do I start? How do I get seen? How do I get someone interested?
Here are options that worked for me in the past:
1.A specific, targeted mailing. Let me repeat - SPECIFIC, TARGETED mailing. Did two words jump out at you? They should have, because they're the important ones. SPECIFIC and TARGETED.
Ok, what does that mean?
Go to
Drama Bookshop and look in their career section. There you will find several weekly, and monthly (or Bi-monthly) listings of agencies (and managers - we'll deal with them later). Find one that appeals to you, and grab a highlighter and start reading. What you will be looking for is a compiled list that breaks down what each agency is looking for (i.e. "fresh faces under 25," or "a variety of ethnicities with significant theater experience"). Every agency that is looking for "your type," you highlight, and so on...
What then?
After you have collected no less than 5, and no more than 15 target agencies (you need to keep it to a number you can realistically manage, as this will become a steady project), start your cover letters (we'll get to them, too!). Keep them brief, personal and specific. Who are you? what do you have to offer (your "type" and talents)? and why THAT SPECIFIC AGENCY IS RIGHT FOR YOU! (and vice-versa) Do your research! KNOW something about that agency and mention what drew you to them, etc.
Now here is a personal rule - and do with this information what you like. I ONLY correspond to my industry contacts if I have something to tell them!
i.e. "My show,_______, has been running to rave reviews! Please come."
"I have a new film that has just been accepted in _________Film Festival! Check it out."
"Please let me know when you'd like to attend, and I can arrange tickets for you." (notice I didn't use the word "if." ALWAYS presume in the positive! Implies confidence.)
and so on....
Then, whenever you have another event to advertise: send them a postcard with your headshot on it, and the event details on the other side. This may take a while (a few months, a year), but in the end, if it gets you an agent...what do you care? My belief is, you send your mug across their desk enough times advertising the work you're doing, they;ll start to presume at lest two things:
This actor is a hard worker and I won't have to babysit them.
Wow, this actor works A LOT!
Trust me, nothing is more uninteresting, and kind of off-putting than the standard, "I'm looking for an agent" letter. Yea? you and the whole world is looking for an agent!!!!
Why you? Well, come and see me in this, and find out!!
2. Acting Seminars. Same as above - be specific and target those agents who might be looking for your type.
Now, this is a rather new industry that has been gaining in credibility. I admit, during it's genesis, I was skeptical, perhaps even disgusted. Why should I pay an industry professional for something their already paid to do?
Over the years however, this new industry has not only grown, but it has also proved itself credible. More often than not, I have heard of actors who have been called in by both Agents and Casting Directors.
So, why not?
I won't mention specific houses by name, but comment to this post, and I'll answer questions, if you have them, about what companies are out there.
Now here's the thing about this avenue. As I have worked at one of these firms for a period of time, and I encountered this A LOT!
It is imperative that you view these seminars as OPPORTUNITIES, rather than AUDITIONS. What do I mean by this?? These seminars are a way to make contact with industry professional you wouldn't otherwise meet for a long time. Don't be discouraged if they don't call you right in after meeting you. Don't forget, you now have made contact with an agent you wouldn't have met otherwise! You now have what's called a "hot-lead!" Now, when you book your next show, you can send them a postcard to invite them, and they know who you are!!! Remember folks, this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Also, remember, it's not that you weren't "Mr. or Mrs. Right," you just weren't "Mr. or Mrs. Right NOW!" So, by keeping up with the contacts that you make through these seminars...the persistence will pay off.
And, finally...
3. Your friends! If you have a friend who is represented by an agency you like. Ask them to vet you to them. Or, ask if you may drop their name in a cover letter. It's called "networking," folks. And so many people don't know how to properly do it.
Now here's a little piece of advice. To preserve any friendships you wish to keep, I suggest remembering this little gem:
The deal with ASKING someone (specifically a friend) for anything, or a favor - you HAVE to be OK with the possibility that the answer will be "No." Asking is not demanding, nor should it be. Some people get weird about this. But some actors are very provincial about their careers, or there could be some other reason you couldn't possibly fathom. My point is, if they say "no," it very well may have nothing to do with you. Or, quite possibly, they're trying to help you without you knowing it.
Perhaps, you friend has a bad relationship with his/her agent, and doesn't want to subject you to that mess. Or, perhaps they're new at that agency, and just feels uncomfortable asking just yet, it could be anything. If you encounter a "no" or resistance...move on. Is this worth jeopardizing a friendship? That is a question you must ask yourself.
Of course, the answer could just as easily be, "Of course!!! Bring me your stuff, and I'll drop it off." Then the rest is up to you.
You have options, I have presented 3 solid ones...I'm sure there are others. Be creative, bold and persistent. If you want it bad'll happen.